We often notice physical, interpersonal, psychological, tastes and needs changes. But only a few people notice the constant changes our hair is subject to every day. What appears to us to be static and unchanging, sometimes it is just how much more alive and dynamic there can be in nature; and it is there, right under our eyes. Knowing how to notice the changes, both positive and negative, of one’s own hair is important and can be a wake-up call for something more serious that we are naively led to ignore. Therefore, a fundamental role is to understand who we are, how we relate to ourselves and to others, what and who we really want to be and behave accordingly; making improvements, and sometimes changes, to our lifestyle and eating habits. Food, yes, this is the key word that we must begin to know, chew and to which we must approach in order to make up for shortcomings or limit the consumption of foods that could damage us or otherwise not help us. This is precisely the launch pad from which to start deciding who you really want to be.The hair is a sponge, absorbs everything that surrounds us, is subjected to pollution, sun, atmospheric agents, odors, stress ... And it is precisely to deal with these uncontrollable factors that we must try to strengthen the defenses from within, thus starting from a healthy body to arrive at a well-nourished and strong hair that is able very well to withstand the constant external threats. Advice? Preserve ourselves, and consequently our hair, to live in society with the awareness and determination to be who we are and to affirm ourselves in the world as better and healthier people.